The school clinic ensures that medical aid is readily available to our students.
The clinic is run by fully qualifies medical staff, with one nurse and one doctor on site at all times.
After school activities, sporting events, and weekend activities that take place at the school, are all covered by the medical team.
The clinic is well equipped to handle minor emergencies and licensed by proper local authorities. ​
Medical Declaration 
Health Form Declaration is completed by the parents upon their child’s enrollment at CIS. It contains important information and is kept as part of each student’s medical records at the school clinic.
Overview of Policy
The school nurse maintains medical records for every child and requests parental help in keeping these records up to date. If your child has a persistent condition, allergies or any medical condition that the school should be aware of, please specify in detail the nature of the condition, the signs and symptoms and any medication that may need to be administered immediately.
Medical Check-Up 
The Department of Health and the school require that students grades: KG1, 1, 5, 9, 12 and all new students have a general medical examination and all students have their Body Mass Index (BMI) checked. Parents will be informed if their child requires any special medical attention.
Policy on Accidents and Emergencies
The School Nurse or another appropriate member of staff will notify parents/guardians in the event of accidents and/or emergencies.
Policy on Medication
Medication will not be dispensed without written permission. If your child needs to take any medication during school hours, please ensure that this medication is stored in the School Clinic, with the nurse, and that it includes exact directions on administering the medicine - including amount and frequency. 
Policy On Infectious Diseases
Children should not be sent to school if they are unwell. In the case of infectious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis, Mumps etc., they should only return to school when the quarantine period ceases.  No child will be allowed to attend school without a medical certificate in the case of having contracted any infectious disease.