Our fee structure confirms with the regulations of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of the UAE.
Payments can be made using any of the following methods: -
1. Bank Transfer-details are as follows:
   Account Name         :  Collegiate International School
   Account No.               :  010496848711
   IBAN No.                       :  AE670330000010496848711
   Swift Code                 :  BOMLAEAD
   Bank                             :  Mashreq Bank
   Branch                        :  DIC, Dubai, UAE
2. By Cheque: Cheques to be made payable to Collegiate International School.
(Please mention your Child’s ID #, Name and Grade on the back of the cheque). Cheques can be handed in person at the Accounts Office in CIS.
Please note that we will also accept post-dated cheques for Term 2 and Term 3 fee payments.
3. By credit card at Collegiate International School premises.
4. Online payment - Please click (https://payment.innoventureseducation.com/cis/online/) to go to the payment portal.  To login, please use your child’s student ID and date of birth.
5. In cash (please remember to collect duly signed and stamped receipt for your payment)
Very Important: In case of Bank Transfer, please mention Child’s ID, Name, School Name in the bank transfer and send us a copy of remittance/transfer advise/swift message to accounts@collegiate.sch.ae to enable us to timely update our records.
School Fees Academic Year 2024-2025 for Existing Students
Amounts in AED
School Fees Academic Year 2024-2025 for New Students*
Amounts in AED
(Expenses for the items below will need to be borne by parents)
Educational and field trips that may be organized from time to time may incur additional costs which will be intimated on a case by case basis. Fees for such trips will be payable in addition to all other fees.
Voluntary excursions or sports tournaments in which costs are incurred
School uniforms, team kits and other necessary sporting attire or auxiliary items
External examinations
Other activities for which costs accrue to the school
Insurance: It is suggested that parents maintain health, accident and liability insurance for their children
Some of the above items are available from independent suppliers and subject to their respective terms and conditions for refund. 
What facilities does CIS offer?Collegiate International School has a well-appointed campus that features extensive facilities and state-of-the-art technology to provide the best possible learning environment for our students. Classrooms are equipped to integrate the use of laptops, iPads, interactive boards, eBooks and online resources into the learning process, with also:- Well-resourced and fully networked library Science Labs IT Labs STEM Laboratory Lecture Hall Separate Music and Dance Rooms Art Rooms Wireless Internet access throughout the campus Fully grassed outdoor playing field Shaded Swimming Pool Climate-controlled sports hall for games Well-equipped School Cafeteria Fully Equipped Medical Clinic Bus Transport
By what agencies is CIS accredited?Collegiate International School is accredited by: NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges), and Authorised by the International Baccalaureate (IB) to deliver the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) and Career-related Program (IBCP)
What additional languages are offered at CIS?In elementary and middle/high School students study Arabic. This is compulsory for all students in the UAE per the Ministry of Education. Arabic is offered right through Grade 9 and is branched into Arabic A (native speakers) and Arabic B (non- native) levels. From grade 10 and onwards, Arabic is only compulsory for students with passports from Arab nations. CIS also offers either French or Spanish to students Grade 2 and above. In grade 2, students take one semester of Spanish and one of French. Then in grade 3, they choose one language to study (French or Spanish) for the whole academic year and onwards. Beginning in grade 11, students can study their own native language or another language apart from Spanish or French through a self-taught programme.
Does CIS offer Islamic Studies?Yes. It is a requirement of the Ministry of Education that all Muslim students take Islamic Studies. Islamic A is offered to students of Arabic speaking nations and Arabic B in English for non-Arabic speaking nationals.
Who are the teachers at CIS?Collegiate International is proud of its team of qualified teachers. Each has rich international educational experience and are all certified to teach the American Common Core Standards Curriculum. All teachers have at least Bachelor’s Degrees and are professionally certified as teachers. All teachers are licensed through KHDA.
What educational support services are available at CIS?CIS is an inclusive school and offers support to all learners. English Language Learning Support (ELL) is available for those students with limited English proficiency. ELL classes are available throughout Grades 1-12. Additionally, we provide learning support for students with learning differences and a accelerated learning through the GATEWay program for students identified as academically gifted. Emotional, career and college counseling ensure the CIS students are prepared to learn and to move on from CIS successfully after graduation.
What are the daily school timings?Monday – Thursday: PKG and KG 1 - 7:40am to 2:00pm KG 2 to GR 12 - 7:40am to 2:50pm Friday – all Children: 7.40am - 12noon
What extra-curricular activities are available at CIS?CIS provides an extensive after-school activity program of sports, clubs and academics offered by teachers and external providers.
How much homework do students received on a daily basis?We do not measure homework by quantity (in minutes), but by quality (by impact). Homework is designed to be an extension of the learning in the classroom. It is given to: To reinforce learning through further practice and application of material. To develop sound independent study habits. To enrich learning through independent study, individual research and experimentation. To enable students to complete assignments. To preview new units of study. Homework is set when it serves a real purpose, not just because it is timetabled. We strongly believe that children need time to play and relax, so homework should be manageable.
How do Southern Hemisphere students fit into a Northern Hemisphere academic year?Grade level placements are determined by student age in accordance with UAE education authority regulations and previous school transfer certification. In addition, our own entry assessments will give the admissions team a good indication of which grade level would best suit every applicant. Inevitably, this may mean that some students transferring from the Southern Hemisphere may find themselves repeating half a year upon arrival at CIS. This can be discussed in more detail with our admissions team.
What kind of communication can I expect from the school?CIS teachers are encouraged to stay in direct contact with our parents through phone calls and emails. CIS parents are welcome to meet with our teachers and administrators whenever needed; simply request an appointment in advance via email or phone call. Teachers in Grades 1 - 5 use the Toddle app to actively share class news, current units, photos of learning and upcoming events. The Elementary Principal and Secondary Principal send weekly newsletters to parents to share current community events and celebrations of learning. The Parent Plus Portal within the website is a password protected area for CIS parents only and will contain important information specific to your child(ren) with regard to grades, attendance and official communication from the teacher. CIS also has Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts that parents are encouraged to follow.
How are parents involved at CIS?CIS encourages families to take part in our community through our Parent Asscoiation (PUMA). Many parents also volunteer their time as reading buddies in the Parents Active with Students (PAWS) program, as guest readers for the Monday Mystery Reader event, as Homeroom Parents or PUMA leaders. Parents also volunteer to assist in planning whole school events, to arrange fundraising activities, and work with school leaders on all areas of school development.
Do primary and secondary students meet during the school day?No. Primary and secondary classrooms are separate with different break/lunch times. Students sometimes engage in special cross-division projects and, for special occasions such as whole school assemblies, all students unite to celebrate the occasion. Only our supervised optional bus service is shared.
How does break and lunch work at CIS?All students have two recess times during the school day. Generally, break is 20 minutes early in the day and provides an opportunity for play, a bathroom break, a drink and a snack. Lunch is 40 minutes, later in the day and is divided into recreation time and eating time. Both snack and lunch allow time for students to build relationships with each other and are supervised. Students may bring a snack and lunch from home or elect to buy them from a range of healthy options available from the cafeteria which provides healthy freshly prepared hot meals, salads, sandwiches and snacks. You can view the everyday description of the menu offered in the cafeteria.
How can I prepare my child for the start of school at CIS?Starting a new school can be a daunting experience for a child at any age. We welcome families to bring their children to orientation at the start of each year to get to know teachers and staff. The best preparation is to reduce the anxiety that is associated with this big move. Visiting the school beforehand, turning the apprehension into curiosity and sharing your excitement at the new opportunities that will come along is the best possible preparation for any child starting a new school. In addition, no-one likes to stand out on their first day, so making sure your child has the right school uniform, making sure you know which days to have PE uniforms ready and having school supplies in hand in advance will give children a sense of reassurance. Please read all materials in the welcome pack for information for a successful school year.